Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf

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Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf Free Download our verb forms list with gujarati meaning eBooks for free and learn more about verb forms list with gujarati meaning. These books contain exercises and tutorials to improve your practical skills, at all levels! The present tense in Gujarati is for most verbs formed by removing the infinitive ending વું vũ, placing a grammatical person marker in its place, and placing the appropriate present-tense form of the verb to be afterwards. The formula thus follows the lines of: verb stem + personal marker form of to be For example, for the first person. Gujarati words can be divided into: (1) Open class and (2) Closed class. Open class consists of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, while closed class consists of pronouns and other pro-forms, noun adjuncts, verb adjuncts, conjunctions and others. Open Class 2.1 Nouns Gujarati nouns participate in three genders and two numbers.

Most Arabic words are derived from a three-letter (trilateral) root. And each trilateral Arabic root can theoretically be transformed into one of fifteen possible verb forms (الأوزان, al-awzaan). (Forms 11 through 15 are very rare, so people usually just focus on forms 1 through 10, although 9 is also pretty rare). Each form has a basic meaning associated with the general meaning of the root being used. Here's a more detailed breakdown, using فعل (fa3ala, to do) as an example. (This is all taken from old handouts I got at the AUC, so it's not my original work.)

Form 1 - فعل (fa3ala)
Expresses the general verbal meaning of the root in question
RootForm 1 verb
خ ر ج (x-r-j) - leaving, departingخرج (xaraja) - to leave, go out
ج م ع (j-m-3) - joining, unitingجمع (jama3a) - to gather, collect
ع م ل(3-m-l) - doing, makingعمل(3amala) - to work, to do, to make
ق ط ع (q-T-3) - cuttingقطع (qaTa3a) - to cut, cut off
ب ع د (b-3-d) - separating, distance بعد (ba3ada) - to be far from

Form 2 - فعّل (fa33ala)
Built on form 1 by doubling the middle radical of the form 1 verb (adding a shadda to it)
Often is a causative version of the form 1 verb
خرج (xaraja) means 'to go out'; خرّج (xarraja) means 'to make (s.o.) go out; to graduate (s.o.)'

Often an intensive version of the form 1 verb (especially if the form 1 verb is transitive)
جمع (jama3a) means 'to collect, gather'; جمّع (jamma3a) means 'to amass, to accummulate'

Form 3 - فاعل (faa3ala)
Built on form 1 by adding an alif between the first and second radicals of the form 1 verb
Usually gives an associative meaning to the form 1 verb; describes someone doing the act in question to or with someone else
عمل(3amala) means 'to work';عامل(3aamala) means 'to treat or deal with (s.o.)'

Form 4 - أفعل (af3ala)
Built on form 1 by prefixing an alif to the form 1 verb and putting a sukuun over the first radical
Similar to form 2 in that it is usually a causative version of the form 1 verb
خرج (xaraja) means 'to go out'; خرّج (xarraja) means 'to graduate (s.o.)'; أخرج (axraja) means 'to expel, to evict; to produce'

Form 5 - تفعّل (tafa33ala)
Built on form 2 by adding the prefix تـ to the form 2 verb
Often a reflexive version of the form 2 verb
خرّج (xarraja) means 'to graduate (s.o.)'; تخرج (taxarraja) means 'to graduate' (Note: form 5 is usually intransitive)

جمع (jama3a) means 'to collect, gather'; تجمّع (tajamma3a) means 'to congregate, to flock together'

Form 6 - تفاعل (tafaa3ala)
Built on form 3 by adding the prefix تـ to the form 3 verb
Usually a reflexive version of the form 3 verb
عامل(3aamala) means 'to treat or deal with (s.o.)'; تعامل (ta3aamala) means 'to deal with each other' (Form 6 is usually intransitive)

Form 7 - انفعل (infa3ala)
Built on form 1 by adding the prefix انـ to the form 1 verb
Usually a reflexive and/or passive version of the form 1 verb
قطع (qaTa3a) means 'to cut, to cut off'; انقطع (inqaTa3a) means 'to be cut off (from); to abstain (from)'

Form 8 - افتعل (ifta3ala)
Built on form 1 by adding the prefix ا to the form 1 verb and placing a sukuun must be placed over its first radical
Often a reflexive version of the form 1 verb
جمع (jama3a) means 'to collect, gather'; اجتمع (ijtama3a) means 'to meet; to agree (on)'

Sometimes has a specially derived meaning relative to a form 1 verb

Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf Converter

بعد (ba3ada) means 'to be far away'; ابتعد (ibta3ada) means 'to avoid'

Form 9 - افعلّ (if3alla)
Built on form 1 by adding the prefix ا to the form 1 verb, placing a sukuun over its first radical, and adding a shadda to the last radical
Relates to colors
ح م ر (H-m-r) relates to 'redness'; احمرّ (iHmarra) means 'to become or turn red'

Form 10 - استفعل (istaf3ala)
Built on form 1 by adding the prefix استـ to the form 1 verb and inserting a ت between the first and second radicals; a sukuun must be placed over the first radical
Often a considerative version of the form 1 verb; means 'to consider or to deem someone to have the quality' of the form 1 verb in question
بعد (ba3ada) means 'to be far away'; استبعد (istab3ada) means 'to consider s.o. or s.t. remote or unlikely'

Often a requestive version of a form 1 verb; means 'to request or to seek something' for oneself
عمل(3amala) means 'to make; to do';استعمل (ista3mala) means 'to use, to put into operation' (that is, to seek to make something work for oneself)

And here's a table of all the verb forms, including their perfect and imperfect conjugations (الماضي والمضارع), active and passive participles (اسم الفاعل واسم المفعول), and verbal nouns (المصدر). Because they're all regular and predictable (with the exception of form 1 - the second vowel in the imperfect and perfect conjugations, and the verbal noun), if you just memorize them, you'll know them for almost every verb there is. So if you're learning Arabic, I suggest you memorize all the verb forms along with their associated meanings as soon as you can; it'll really come in handy.

المصدراسم المفعولاسم الفاعلالمضارعالماضي
مُفاعَلَة or فِعالمُفاعَلمُفاعِليُفاعِلُفاعَلَ3

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English verbs come in several forms. For example, the verb sing can be: sing, sang, sung, singing or sings. This is a total of 5 forms. Not many, considering that some languages (French, for example) have more than 30 forms for an individual verb. English tenses may be quite complicated, but the forms that we use to make the tenses are actually very simple! With the exception of the verb be, English main verbs have only 3, 4 or 5 forms. Be has 8 forms. Helping verbs have even fewer forms as most of them never change.

In this lesson we look at the forms of main verbs and helping verbs followed by a quiz to check your understanding.

Forms of Main Verbs

Main verbs (except the verb 'be') have 3, 4 or 5 forms. The verb 'be' has 8 forms. In the table below, the # column shows the actual number of forms for the given verb.

We use these forms to make all the tenses and other verb structures, in all moods, aspects and voices.

past simple
past participle
present participle3rd person singular present simple#
make made making makes4
basepast simple
(2 forms)
past participlepresent participlepresent simple
(3 forms)

In the above examples:

  • cut has 3 forms: cut, cutting, cuts
  • work has 4 forms: work, worked, working, works
  • sing has 5 forms: sing, sang, sung, singing, sings
  • be has 8 forms: be, was, were, been, being, am, is, are

Note that in dictionaries the headword for any given verb entry is always in the base form.

There are two possibilities for the infinitive:
  1. base form (the 'bare infinitive')
  2. to + base form (the 'to-infinitive')
For example, sing and to sing are both infinitives. As they are identical in form to the base form, and 'to' is not part of the verb, we do not list the infinitive as a separate form.
Note that the 'to' is NOT a preposition. It is an 'infinity marker' or 'particle'.

At school, students often learn by heart the base, past simple and past participle (sometimes called V1, V2, V3, meaning Verb 1, Verb 2, Verb 3) for irregular verbs. They may spend many hours chanting: sing, sang, sung; go, went, gone; have, had, had; etc. They do not learn these for regular verbs for one very simple reason - the past simple and past participle are always the same: they are formed by adding '-ed' to the base.

They do not learn the present participle and 3rd person singular present simple for regular or irregular verbs for another very simple reason - they never change. The present participle is always made by adding '-ing' to the base, and the 3rd person singular present simple is always made by adding 's' to the base (though there are some variations in spelling).

Note that 'have', 'do' and 'be' also function as helping or auxiliary verbs, with exactly the same forms.

Example Sentences

These example sentences use main verbs in different forms.

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Base - Infinitive

  • She helped him work on his homework.
  • We heard them sing their national anthem.
  • I want to have a drink.
  • To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Base - Imperative

  • Work well!
  • Make this.
  • Have a nice day.
  • Be quiet!

Base - Present simple
(except 3rd person singular)

  • I work in London.
  • You sing well.
  • They have a lot of money.

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Base - After modal auxiliary verbs

  • I can work tomorrow.
  • You must sing louder.
  • They might do it.
  • You could be right.

Past simple

  • I worked yesterday.
  • She cut his hair last week.
  • They had a good time.
  • They were surprised, but I was not.

Past participle

  • I have worked here for five years.
  • He needs a folder made of plastic.
  • It is done like this.
  • I have never been so happy.

Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf File

Present participle

  • I am working.
  • Singing well is not easy.
  • Having finished, he went home.
  • You are being silly!

3rd person singular present simple

  • He works in London.
  • She sings well.
  • She has a lot of money.
  • It is Vietnamese.

Forms of Helping Verbs

We use helping verbs (auxiliary verbs) with main verbs. The tables on this page show the forms of all helping verbs.

There are 2 groups of helping verbs:

1. Primary helping verbs

We use primary helping verbs to change the tense or voice of the main verb, and to make questions and negatives. There are only three primary helping verbs: do, have, be. These verbs can also function as main verbs. When we use them as helping verbs, here are the forms that we use:

base3rd person singular present simplepast simple
basepresent simple
(3 forms)
past simple
(2 forms)
present participlepast participle
Look at these example sentences using primary helping verbs with main verbs:
  • Do you like him?
  • He does go home sometimes.
  • I did not see her.
  • They have finished their homework.
  • Has he arrived yet?
  • John had not called for three weeks.
  • They will be eating when we arrive.
  • I am feeling sick.
  • Are you working at the moment?
  • Jo is not watching TV.
  • Tara was cooking when I phoned.
  • Were you expecting me?
  • My car isbeing repaired.
  • I havebeen working all day.

2. Modal helping verbs

We use modal helping verbs to change the 'mood' of the main verb. As you see, modal verbs have only one form each. They never change.

modal verbscan
ought to
semi-modal verbsneed
used to
We use the word 'form' to mean the 'shape' or 'writing' of the actual verb itself. Do not confuse verb forms with tenses. We use the different verb forms to make the tenses and other verb structures, but they are not the same thing.