Only War Regiment Generator

Authorized by Congress in 1866 and activated on November 1, 1869, the 24th Infantry Regiment was one of four all-black regiments created after the Civil War. The unit remained composed of black enlisted men and mostly white officers until 1951 when it was disbanded during the Korean War after claims of dissent and cowardice were made against the unit due to the race of the enlisted men. Name Status Demeanour Cause of Death Regiment Name: Information: Squad Designation: Logistics Rating.

Inspired by Fantasy Flight Games' Deathwatch Role-playing Game's Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, these tables let you roll up (or otherwise generate) your very own Imperial Guard Regiment. These tables are for fluff only -- check out FFG's 'Only War' game for rules on actually role-playing a regiment. The table is also not for uniformly defining every unit from the rolled world, just showing the particular Regiment being focused on and/or what the world is famous for.

Roll on the Planet generator and System generator (filling out those spots already rolled here) tables for more fluff.

Only War Regiment Generator

For extra fun, create your own system of worlds with IG regiments, penal legions, PDFs, and also use the Space Marine Chapter Creation Table to create your own Astartes Chapter who recruits from the system, and an SoB Order based in the system as well for your own unique, fluffy corner of the Imperium that you can use for everything/anything!

Regiment Origin[edit]

I've gotten the Only War book and set down to design a regiment for that one.NOT. rolled for, rather built based on those. For those of you familiar with the Only War regimental system: Name: 11th Hardanger Volunteers Origin: Imperial world Commander: Fixed Type: Mechanized Infantry Doctrine: Sharpshooter Special Equipment Doctrine. MEP802A Fermont Military Diesel 5KW Tactical Quiet Generator ONLY 20.2 HOURS! 210 KW diesel Caterpillar generator. Diesel 30 KW Generator- 120/208 volts - Phase 3 240/416 volts 3 phase. Only War regiment and character generators. Thanks a lot that is useful material, I was also wondering if there was some actual character stat generator, like getting all the stats exept for the talents and skills (and advancements in general) with one click.

Regiment Classificationd10
Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.1-5
Planetary Defense Force: What the Guard doesn't want, the PDF will take.6
Penal Legion: Scum, criminals, murderers. Watch them closely.7-8
Militia: Brave enough to defend their world without training or equipment.9
Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they'll defend the ship or take the enemy's.10

Regiment Demographic[edit]

Recruitment Criteriad100
Volunteer: Only the brave and desperate ( of both of which there are plenty) join this Regiment. This may be taken automaticly. (You can also roll a second time to have a more specific method.)1-15
Veterans: Taken from the 'best' of the PDF, this Regiment somehow knows more about battle than most.16-25
Caste-born: Raised from birth in the warrior caste.26-30
Nobility: Bought their commission for honor and glory.31-35
Priesthood: They venerate the God-Emperor in his soldier aspect.36-40
Abhumans: Ratlings, Ogryn, and other such useful creatures.41-45
Tribespeople: All you have to do is teach them which way the gun points, for living in an area with lesser technology produces hard soldiers.46-50
Lottery: Selection by the God-Emperor's grace, and a little luck.51-55
Spacers: Born on asteroids, off-world hab-stations, or the vessels of the Imperial Navy. (If Navy Armsmen was rolled, this may be taken as default)56-60
Firstborn: Chosen by right of being the eldest child.61-65
Vat-grown: No families to complain, no friends to consider.66-70
Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy. (If Penal Legion was rolled, this may be taken as default)71-85
Convicts: Serving their sentence on the front lines, the slime. (If Penal Legion was rolled, this may be taken as default)86-95
Roll d3+1 times on this chart.96-100

Nature of Recruitmentd10
Punishment/Redemption/Recycling: Recruits are gathered from the dregs of society. (If Gangers, Convicts, or Lottery was rolled on demographic table, you may select this by default)1
Elite tithe: The best of the best of the planet were recruited for this regiment. (If veterans, caste-born or nobility was rolled on demographic table, you may select this by default)2-4
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society. (If Volunteers, Firstborn, or Lottery was rolled on the demographic table, you may select this by default)5-10

Regiment Homeworld[edit]

Home Worldd100
Hive World: No claustrophobia, excellent sense of direction? Urban combat!01–25
Death World: For these people, life was a war before they could speak.26–40
Feral World: They fight like wild animals in the Skyfather's name.41–55
Agri-World: Sturdy, hard-working types, glad to be off the farm.56–60
Civilized World: Comfortable but not soft, ready to fight to preserve and spread civilization.61–65
Mining World: At home using Heavy Machinery, not afraid of the dark and great in tight spaces.66–70
Feudal World: Hard workers and steadfast warriors once they're convinced Lasguns aren't witchcraft71–75
Shrine World: They charge into battle eagerly, and their very prayers are warcries.76–85
Forge World: Blessed by the Omnissiah to carry His light across the Galaxy.86–90
Lost Homeworld: Ghosts do not fear death, but they seek life with a terrible fury.
(Roll again to determine what kind of world it was, Before.)
Pleasure World: Soft as clay before the firing of the kiln; war is their crucible.96–100

Home World Predominant Terraind100
Desert: At home in sun, sand and wind.01–20
Garden/Mixed: Every terrain represented, on the surface and in the recruits21–40
Jungle/Swamp: Masters of stealth and inured to disease.41–60
Ice: Cold-blooded, with hearts of fire.61–70
Airless/Dead: They know the void, and the tech required to survive it.71–76
Cavern: From the bowels of the earth, natural sappers.76–80
Mountains: Alpine hunting produces crack shots.81–86
Ocean: They grew up in the dangers of the depths.86–90
Plains: Wide, flat worlds produce excellent cavalry and tankers.91–95
Urban: Good soldiers, once you get the cityboy out of the city.96–00

Hive Worlds can instead/also roll on

Predominant Hive Tierd100
The Spires: Clad in the best gear Daddy's money can buy, regiments of Upper-Hivers are rare but those that do exist are some of the most (over)confident in the galaxy willing and able to prove that breeding will out, even in the face of Mankinds most grizzly foes.01-05
Cavern/Underhive: What the gangers lack in discipline, they make up for in savagery06–40
Urban/Middle Hive: The mass of the Hive, hearty if agoraphobic laborers41–79
The Whole Hive: Huge and fractious, this clash of cultures is in danger of fighting itself as much as it fights the enemy but in the hands of the right general and a competent team of commissars these regiments can play the different tiers strengths off of each other to create something truly lethal.80–95
Outskirts: The feral, toxic wastelands surrounding the Hives' bases more like Techno-Barbarians than feral-worlders these hardy fighters can survive almost anything, while being better capable of technological warfare than Feral or Feudal Worlders and in facing as much danger as most Death Worlders (excepting Catachan and other high end shitholes) but in the form of getting shot at rather than mauled by animals.96–100

Hive worlds can still roll on the predominant terrain table to determine the environment outside the Hives (that is, if it is anything other than toxic wasteland) and before colonization. Mix up the result for flavor, such as hive cities in the depths of oceans, in mountain ranges, in deserts, in jungles etc.. If Urban is rolled, it could be a city planet with extreme population even by Hive World standards, or the leagues of multi-story Buildings between Hives act as the Planets version of suburbia though in both cases this also means the toxic mire has nowhere to go but down. Have fun if you rolled underhivers!


Regiment Tactical Information[edit]

Regiment Core Units (d100)
1-25Infantry Regiment
36-45Light Infantry
46-55Heavy Infantry
56-70Mechanized Infantry
96-99Shock Troopers

Specialization (d10)
1Drill & Discipline
3Stealth Warfare
4Lightning Strike
5Trench Warfare
6Close Combat
7Ranged Combat
8Shock & Awe
9Guerrilla Warfare
10Hive and Urban Warfare

Do note that different regiments from the same world have different compositions and specialties (such as an Abhuman Shock and Awe regiment or an Artillery Trench regiment). What is rolled is what the world is famous for, or the specialties of the particular regiment you are rolling up.

Loyalty Rating (d10)
1Overzealous: Need to be actively held back from giving their lives for the Emperor or from going too far when infrastructure and manpower must preserved for after an insurrection.
2-3Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.
4-5Adherent: Hold fast to the Creed and His will.
6-7Undisciplined: Will follow the Emperor but don't expect them to bow to authority figures.
8-9Unorthodox: Serve the Emperor in ways frowned upon by most in the Administratum.
10Heretical: This regiment has abandoned the truth of the Emperor, and their fellows from the same planet will despise them for the black mark of shame.

Feel free to reroll or choose the previous table as desired.

Only War Regiment Generator Names

Special Equipment (d100)
1-10Traditional Weapon
11-20War Trophies
21-30Specialized Lasgun Pattern
31-40Exotic Mounts
41-50Rare Heavy Weapon
51-60Blessed Wargear
61-70Augmented Troops
71-80Special Vehicle
81-90Preferred Fighting Style
91-100Modified Weaponry

Regiment Creed (d100)
1-40For The Homeworld: This regiment's mission is to demonstrate the skill and steel of the homeworld to the rest of the Imperium.
41-65For the Emperor: Fervent belief in the Imperial cult and the righteous mission of the Imperium fuels this regiment.
66-75Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.
76-80Glory In Death: The regiment's mission is to die, and take as many enemies with it as possible.
81-85We Must Repent: The regiment believes it is on a mission to pay for their homeworld's sins with blood.
86-90Tribal Faiths: This regiment is beholden to primitive beliefs. If from a civilized world, clannish practices from hive gang cultures or other such traditions predominate.
91-95Steel Over Flesh: This regiment believes the way to victory is through machine augmentation.
96-100Esoteric Beliefs

Only War Regiment Generator 5e

Regiment Relations[edit]

Only War Regiment Generator Blueprints

Regiment Friends (d100)
6-15Adeptus Arbites
16-30Adeptus Astartes (a specific chapter)
31-35Scholastia Psykana
36-45Adeptus Mechanicus
46-50Adepta Sororitas (a specific order)
51-55Adeptus Titanicus
61-75Imperial Guard (of a specific world)
76-83Imperial Navy
86-88Navis Nobilite (Navigators, of a specific house)
89-91Officio Assassinorum
92-93PDF (of a specific world)
94-98Rogue Trader Dynasty
99Schola Progenium
100League of Blackships
Regiment Enemies (d100)
1-10Roll on the 'Regiment Friends' table.
41-50Chaos Space Marines
51-60Daemon Prince/Daemon/other specific disciple of Chaos
61-70Specific Chaos-aligned group
71-80Dark Eldar
91-100Other Xenos See here for inspiration. Alternatively, see below.
Minor Xenos Species/Empires(1d100)
1-10Roll twice on this chart
31-40Uluméathic League
41-50Yu'vath/Legacy of the Yu'vath/Rak'gol
93-95Cythor Fiends
96-97Nightmare-Engines of the Pale Wasting
98-100Other Xenos Species (pick one or roll/write one up)
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
ImperiumAdeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House
Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter
Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang
ChaosChaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband
Heretics & Heretical Cults - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House
XenosCreature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult
Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet

Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator

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