So far, serial number 02021xx is the highest I’ve seen that did not have the factory upgrades. And all 5-digit serial numbers I’ve seen did not originally have the upgrades. Later on, Icom re-designed the PA board. And from what I’ve seen, serial numbers from 0207xxx have the new board. I own two very nice late model IC-775DSP's with serial numbers 2647 and 2751. Both are fully loaded and pleasure to operate. I even sold my IC-756PROII which I might regret later but I don't think I will. I can say that the receiver is very very quiet. Sometimes I have to look at the display to make sure it is turned on.
| - IC-Delta1 - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] & [CLR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2GAT - Turn the radio on, hold [LIGHT] & [FUNCTION], turn the radio off, then turn back on. Release the buttons after the display returns to normal.
- IC-2GXAT - Hold [FUNC] & [VMC] & [DUP] & [HI/LO] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-02AT - Serial numbers below 34000: push the button on the main circuit board next to the lithium battery. Serial numbers above 34000: hold [FUNC] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-2iA - Hold [LIGHT] & [MONITOR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2SA - Hold [LIGHT] & [MONITOR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2SAT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2SRA - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] & [CLR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-P2AT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-µ2AT - Hold [LIGHT] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-03AT - Serial numbers below 34000: push the button on the main circuit board next to the lithium battery. Serial numbers above 34000: hold [FUNC] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-3SA - Hold [LIGHT] & [MONITOR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-3SAT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-4iA - Hold [LIGHT] & [MONITOR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-4GAT - Turn the radio on, hold [LIGHT] & [FUNCTION], turn the radio off, then turn back on. Release the buttons after the display returns to normal.
- IC-4GXAT - Hold [FUNC] & [VMC] & [DUP] & [HI/LO] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-04AT - Serial numbers below 34000: push the button on the main circuit board next to the lithium battery. Serial numbers above 34000: hold [FUNC] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-4SA - Hold [LIGHT] & [MONITOR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-4SAT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-4SRA - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] & [CLR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-P4AT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-µ4AT - Hold [LIGHT] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-12AT - Hold [FUNC] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-12GAT - Turn the radio on, hold [LIGHT] & [FUNCTION] buttons, turn the radio off, then turn back on. Release the buttons after the display returns to normal.
- IC-24AT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-32AT - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] & [LIGHT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-Q7A - Hold [FUNC] & [BAND] & [V/M] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-T2A - Hold [A] & [C] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-T2H - Hold [aV] & [cT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-T21A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [FUNC] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-T22A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [FUNC] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-T41A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [FUNC] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-T42A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [FUNC] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-T7A - Hold [MR] & [VFO] & [BAND] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-T8A - Hold [MR] & [VFO] & [BAND] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-T81A - Hold [SQL] & [VFO] & [MR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-V21AT - Hold [F] & [A] & [*] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-W2A - Hold [FUNCTION] & [A] & [CLR] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-W21A - Hold [HI/LO] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-W21AT - Hold [F] & [A] & [*] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-W31A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [MONI] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-W32A - Full reset: hold [SQL] & [VFO] & [MR] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [VFO] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-Z1A - Full reset: hold [A] & [*] & [MONI] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [A] button and turn the radio on.
| | - IC-27A/H - Push the reset button under the top access cover.
- IC-28A/H - Push the reset button in the aft left corner under the bottom cover.
- IC-37A - Push the reset button under the top access cover.
- IC-38A - Push the reset button in the aft left corner under the bottom cover.
- IC-47A - Push the reset button under the top access cover.
- IC-48A - Push the reset button in the aft left corner under the bottom cover.
- IC-Delta100 - Full reset: hold [SET] & [SPCH] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [SPCH] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-207H - Full reset: hold [SET] & [S.MW] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [V/MHz] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-228A/H - Hold [SQUELCH/MONITOR] & [LOCK] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-229A/H - Hold [SET] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-281H - Full reset: Hold [SET] & [SPCH] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [SPCH] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-448A - Hold [SQUELCH/MONITOR] & [LOCK] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-449A - Hold [SET] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-481H - Full reset: Hold [SET] & [SPCH] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [SPCH] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-706 - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-706MKII - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-706MKIIG - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-900 - Hold [MR] button, turn the power off and then on again.
- IC-901A - Hold [CHECK] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-1200A - Hold down the tuning control and turn the power on.
- IC-1201A - Hold [SQUELCH/MONITOR] & [LOCK] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2000H - Hold [SET] & [PGR/CS/MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2100H - Full reset: hold [SET] & [S.MW] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [V/MHz] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-2340H - Full reset: hold [SET] & [SPCH] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [SPCH] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-2350H - Full reset: hold [SET] & [S.MW] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [DUP] & [LOW] and turn the radio on.
- IC-2400A - Hold [SUB VOL] & [MW] buttons and turn the power on.
- IC-2410A/H - Hold [SET] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2500A - Hold [SUB VOL] & [MW] buttons and turn the power on.
- IC-2700H - Full reset: hold [SET] & [SPCH] buttons and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold [SPCH] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-2710H - Hold both [S.MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-2800H - Full reset: hold 3rd buttons from the top on both sides of the LCD display and turn the radio on. Partial reset: hold 2nd buttons from the top on both sides of the LCD display and turn the radio on.
- IC-3200A - Hold [F] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-3210A - Hold [SQUELCH/MONITOR] & [LOCK] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-3220A/H - Hold [SET] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
| | - IC-271A/H - Reprogram the RAM card.
- IC-275A/H - Hold [M-CL] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-375A - Hold [M-CL] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-471A/H - Reprogram the RAM card.
- IC-475A/H - Hold [M-CL] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-575H - Hold [M-CL] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-820H - Hold [MW] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-821H - Hold [MW] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-970A/H - Hold [MW] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-1271 - Reprogram the RAM card.
- IC-1275A - Hold [M-CL] button and turn the radio on.
| | - IC-77 - Clone with a computer.
- IC-706 - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-706MKII - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-706MKIIG - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-707 - Hold [MW] & [LOCK] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-718 - Hold [UP] & [DOWN] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-725 - Hold [FUNCTION] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-726 - Hold [FUNCTION] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-728 - Hold [FUNCTION] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-729 - Hold [FUNCTION] & [MW] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-735 - No CPU reset available.
- IC-736 - Hold [CLR] & [ENT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-737 - Hold [CLR] & [ENT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-737A - Hold [CLR] & [ENT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-738 - Hold [CLR] & [ENT] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-746 - Hold [F-INP] & [M-CL] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-751 - No CPU reset available.
- IC-751A - No CPU reset available.
- IC-756 - Hold [F-INP] & [M-CL] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-756PRO - Hold [F-INP] & [M-CL] buttons and turn the radio on.
- IC-761 - Hold [M-CLEAR] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-765 - Hold [M-WRITE] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-775 - Hold [CLEAR] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-775DSP - Hold [CLEAR] button and turn the radio on.
- IC-781 - Hold [M-CLEAR] button and turn the radio on.
| | - IC-RP1220 - Turn the power off for a few minutes. Push S1 on the logic circuit board.
- IC-RP1520 - Turn the power off for a few minutes. Push S1 on the logic circuit board.
- IC-RP4020 - Turn the power off for a few minutes. Push S1 on the logic circuit board.
Fig.1: IC-7700 front panel.
Fig.3: IC-7700 rear panel.
Fig 5. IC-7700 RF BPF bank. Note the large toroidal coils.
Fig.6: IC-7700 200W PA board. Click for larger image.
Fig.7: IC-7700 spectrum scope, ±2.5 kHz span, SLOW sweep. Photo courtesy ON6SAS.
IC-7700 Overview
The new IC-7700 is a self-contained, top-performance HF/6m transceiver closely related to its 'bigger brother', theIC-7800. Its main features are:
Two independent DSP units.
HF/6m transmitter with a MOSFET PA delivering 200W output at full duty cycle.
Quiet, built-in switch-mode mains power supply.
Single HF receiver with I/Q second mixer, offering +40dBm 3rd-order intercept point*.
Built-in 'Digi-Sel' automatic tracking RF preselector.
Built-in high-speed automatic antenna tuner.
- Selectable 15, 6 and 3 kHz roofing filters (refer to Fig. 4 above.)
Precision OCXO with ±0.05ppm frequency stability and 10 MHz Reference I/O jack
7' color TFT LCD display.
Multi-function spectrum scope with configurable resolution bandwidth (RBW).
Built-in RTTY/PSK31 modem requiring only a USB keyboard.
IF-DSP notch filter with adjustable parameters.
- The notch filter shape factor is selectable in 3 steps, and its maximum stopband attenuation is 70 dB.
Multi-function noise blanker implemented in DSP.
Separate, high-performance 6m receiver front end.
Digital voice recorder.
Front-panel USB ports for USB memory drive and keyboard.
- The USB memory drive socket permits use of pocket USB memory drives. No CF card is required.
* at 50 kHz test-signal spacing.
User Manual Erratum
Contrary to the statement on p. 3-5 of the earlier IC-7700 user manual, the numerical keypad is not backlit and does notlight when theF.INP key is pressed. This has been corrected in all newer editions of the manual, from ENG_1 onwards. The correct procedure reads as follows:
Download the Ver. 2.20 upgrade and accompanying manual here.
This upgrade was released on 21 May 2015.
Note: All versions of the IC-7700 are upgradeable to Ver. 2.10.
View the new Ver. 2.0 and higher spectrum scope/waterfall and audio scope screen modes.
Watch my IC-7700 Ver. 2.0 Firmware presentation at Dayton 2014.
Rev. 12 IC-7700:
This IC-7700 version was released in April 2011. It incorporates redesigned PA200W and FILTER Units. The new PA200W uses a single STMicroelectronicsSTAC2942B dual MOSFET power device in its output stage. The serial number prefix begins with '1' e.g. 1201234 (US/Canada), 1301234 (EU), 1701234 (UK).
The previous serial number ranges begin with '0' e.g. 0201234 (US/Canada), 0301234 (EU), 0701234 (UK), and have the earlier PA200W (2 X MRF150) and FILTER Units.
Q: Why was Dual Watch omitted?
A: Provision of Dual Watch would most likely have pushed the price well above the USD 6K target.
Q: Then how can I monitor my transmit frequency in split operation?
A: By pressing the XFC (Transmit Frequency Check) button.
The IC-7700 received FCC certification onFebruary 11, 2008. FCC ID: AFJ300900
The officialIcom Japan IC-7700 pageandbrochure*(in English)
The Icom Canada IC-7700 page
The comprehensiveIC-7700 brochure*mirror
IC-7700 Upgrade Model brochure*USA/CanadaEurope
Dayton 2007 pre-releasebrochure*
Icom Japan IC-7700 pre-releasebrochure* (in English)
IC-7700User Manual V6
Icom JapanFirmware Updates page
Firmware Manuals: V2.20V2.10 V2.00 (the big one!)
RS-BA1 V1.96, compatible with IC-7700 Firmware V2.20. RS-BA1 User Manual V9.
Note on USB Memory Drives- removing proprietary formatting
Connecting an Icom Radio to a PC*, by John White VA7JW
AGC in the IC-756Pro3, IC-7600, IC-7700 and IC-7800
AGC and Noise Blanker in an IF-DSP Receiver
IC-7700 Noise Blanker Demo: 20m SSB signal with severe impulse noise.NB offNB on
The IC-7700 Drive Gain Control
The IC-7700/IC-7800 'Digi-Sel' Preselector
The IC-756Pro3 as 2nd receiver with the IC-7700
View or download the 15-minute Icom JapanIC-7700 Promotion Movie (in English)
My IC-7700 User Review & Test Report
Noise Power Ratio (NPR) Testing of HF Receivers*including IC-7700
IC-7700 NPR Test Data*
Icom 775dsp Mars Mod
IC-7700 MW Broadcast Band Tests
On-Air IC-7700 Microphone Trials with VA7JW and VA7OJ
Glenn McNeil, VK4BG: IC-7800 PA Power Device Replacement Notes. (Also applicable to the IC-7700)
Icom 775dsp Manual
Use the IC-7700 as a bench spectrum analyser!
The IC-7700 Spectrum Scope: RBW & Grass Levels
My friend Matt KK5DR'sIC-7700 User Review
IC-7700 Presentation at North Shore ARC, North Vancouver BC, October 2008
My IC-7700 Meets a K3(Rev. 2, July 2011) by Jeff Smith VE1ZAC
Comparing the IC-7700 and IC-7800*, by George Bethea K5JZ
How close were we with the 'IC-7X00'?
Icom 775dsp Ebay
* PDF document.