Dim Mak Records Demo

Dim Mak

I made a document (Excel file) with most of the known and some more of unknown labels that might interest you fellow producers. The list contains. Soundcloud followers (approx.). #Selfie (stylized in all caps with hashtag) is a song produced by American DJ duo The Chainsmokers.It was released on January 29, 2014, through Dim Mak Records. It is the eighth song on the US edition of Now! 50, as well as the opening track of disc 2 on the UK/Ireland edition of Now!

Discover the World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets You Can Use to Totally Disrupt an Opponents Energy & Cause Paralysis or Even Death!

Dear Friend,

f you'd like to Allow Your Martial Art To Work For You, Not Against You, Defeat a Much Larger or Stronger Attacker with One Shot Take Out Power, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.....

If you're up to it, I want to disclose some eye-opening and quite disturbing information to you about some of the best kept secrets in the martial arts. Listen...I'm not trying to scare you here but you need to know what's been going on seemingly behind your back, for quite some time now - Are you okay with that? Okay -

Here's why:

With our Specialized Dim Mak training, you're getting real knowledge of not only where the points are, but how to strike them. You will also learn the very secretive training methods that enabled the masters of old to become proficient in the highly classified 'Death Touch'....

Right this very second - 'You may not be aware of it yet but.....There's a way to win a fight, even against a much larger attacker.

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:

Three Reasons To Believe What I Have To Say...

Reason one: Our instructors have trained all over the world with some of the very best 'Closed Door' methods of Martial Arts Instruction.

Reason two: We have honed down the information to allow you to get it to work for you whether you are a rank beginner or seasoned Black Belt.

Reason three: We have been selling our Pressure Point Charts for close to 20 years, with thousands of satisfied customers from every part of the world...Furthermore, the information in our new courses included information not found anywhere else....

'Dim Mak Power Striking'

The reason We've decided to release Dim Mak Power Striking Secrets to the public is... because if you ever have to Wage War, then you deserve to know and 'ARM Yourself With Precision Weapons!'

As you read on, I’ll tell you more about how these high velocity concepts, methods and tactics will help you but let me tell you some straight from the hip facts about the rest of the picture.

Fact is - 'Most martial arts never really teach someone how to adequately defend themselves, because most of the training is katas, sparring and other calisthenics. We show you how to increase the most potent weapon of all.....YOUR MIND!'

Here Is Just a Sample of The Value You Will Receive With This...

Most instructors don't want you to know about this (even if they knew, they'd probably keep it to themselves) so that's why - I'm here to protect YOU my fellow martial artist....

With that said - I'm going to cut right to the chase and tell you exactly what this AMAZING course of instruction is capable of doing for you.

With Dim Mak Power Striking Secrets, You...

Can learn the exact placement of all of the most deadly striking points with our beautiful full color Dim Mak Power Striking Posters.

Can quickly locate the most potent Dim Mak points on your opponent for a either a quick disabling or totally 'Take Out'.

Uncover hidden methods of training so rare that your colleagues will will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born. (Heck they might just pay YOU to teach these highly guarded strategies to them, so the'll be in the know!

How to learn the secret of taking these concepts and integrating it with your current style of martial art. No need to learn a new style, just apply these concepts to your chosen style of fighting.

Discover a trick that will allow you to hit ten times harder than you ever have before (It might surprise you!)

A magical secret that reveals exactly how to put together striking combinations as well as become proficient at isolating your ability to strike these points at will.

Find out why some people have a non-reaction to a strike...and how you can beat them every time all the time by taking advantage of that fact.

Find out why your martial arts instructor (s) fear this information getting out

Unearth the one secret 'Diamond Point' method that will increase your ability to hit your target by 110%!

How to guarantee your skills will work under 'battle conditions'!

How to legally and ethically use these points in a confrontation without killing or maiming!

Create your own techniques on the fly that will work every time)

Discover THE best way to strike while your attacker is standing or on the ground!

The Ultimate Striking tools, and how to use them under high-stress situations.

Mad decent records

Instantly have the power and confidence to know you are in control of a situation, way before it gets physical....We call it 'POWER MIND' (Advanced Concept)

And SO Much More...

So Basically This Means That You Can -

Quickly 'Snatch-Up' The highly guarded secrets that many martial arts masters went to their graves with. We've searchd and studied for years, and know you can have the benefits in this outstanding program of Dim Mak Power Striking Points !'

Shhh...Don't Tell Anyone About This Yet But -

Hidden in this curriculum are ' 2 Different Versions of The Original 36 Dim Mak Striking Points and instruction on how to hit them!'

YES, can you even begin to imagine what this could mean for you? Knowledge like this is hard to find, but even more important is the hidden training methods that go along with the charts....
Gosh, I mean... how do you beat that?

And to make it even better, you can use this information 24/7. It will be right at your fingertips for whenever you want to delve deeper.....

Oh and don't worry, We keep the confidence of our customers under lock and key....We have trained some of the top martial artists out there (even some Shaolin Monks), so you can be assured we will never divulge your name or information to anyone..... That means confidentiality at the highest level!

Just to give you a little idea as to how simple, yet powerful, this is...Check out the wonderful poster below!

This is Our New Dim Mak Power Striking Head Points Poster

Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.

Let me explain.

There are many books, videos and courses on pressure points, Dim Mak, vital point striking, etc, and many of these are excellent sources of information. The only thing that most of these products don't teach is the actual way you train to get these points to work properly.

With our specialized curriculum you will learn the devastating methods of how to train to pull off this type of specialized fighting.

Of course, if your the type that would use these for the wrong purpose, don't even bother ordering the course as we only want responsible adults using this highly coveted material.

Since we came out with the Dim Mak portion of our course (the Pressure Points charts have been selling for 20 years), the response has been tremendous.....

We have recently decided to offer up our 'Advanced Dim Mak Power Striking' notes to those that really want to take their skills to the next level....

This new information is so secretive, it took us years to get up the nerve to offer it even to our best students....Over the years, we have had students visit us in person to learn these 'Closed Door' methods....And let me tell you, we have charged some extremely large dollars to teach what we are show casing in our Advanced Curriculum....

Why would we do this?

First off, we know that only the most diligent and persistent student will attain the level of mastery, so we are not afraid to put the information out there.....

Secondly, all of our best students, stay in touch with us by phone or in person, to get all of the little tips, tricks and techniques not contained in any of our programs....

Believe me, this alone is worth the cost of the course times 10.

And if you learn to add Chi Manipulation to your Dim Mak Striking......LOOK OUT!

That is an entirely different animal that no one wants to even mess with....

Don't Take My Word for It, Listen to What Some of our Black Belt Customers Had To Say!


'I just finished reading your latest manuscript on Dim Mak. I have to tell you, I am very impressed. Your depth of knowledge is remarkable. The content of your work is very clear, concise and accurate. It is presented in an easy to read style which gives the reader a thorough understanding of this sometimes very complicated subject. The photo's and diagrams are very
helpful and depict the targets and weapons very nicely.
Very good work!!!' Jim Belliveau, 2nd Dan Black Belt Judo/Wing Chun Kung Fu


'Well I just got the pressure point chart package from this website exactly a week ago and I am just Emailing to say it's
awesome it's worth every penny the details are so clear that I really did not
have any hard time understanding the terms because it's so simple to follow
and it did not use those fancy words about pressure points like other books.

Dim Mak

I've been a doing martial arts for not so long like about 4 years almost
5 but the things that I learned from those CD(s) and the books really adds up
to my knowledge and how I can use pressure points to a self defense situation
well of course I think I really need to practice and listen to the CD(s)
couple more times to actually clarify information that was given to me by the
package my parents thinks it's nice that i want to really expand my knowledge in
martial arts that is why they bought me the course without a second thought
after they looked at it on the website.

That is why I'm also writing to ask for a little help I mean I really
like the package but I figure maybe I can learn more if I ask the one who
develop the course and I was just wondering if you can give me and training advice
to maximize the effectiveness of the stuff that I'm learning from the program
and some more tips about pressure points and chi I would really appreciate it

Hope to hear from you soon

(Jay D) 'Mix' kickboxing, tai kwon do and karate practitioner

Now, that didn't quite surprise me, but THIS may surprise you.-

- I Have A Confession To Make! -

'I've been secretly leaking (I mean sharing) Dim Mak Power Striking Secrets to a select few people, just to see what they think and - do you know what their most common response was to just the first manuscript...?'

They ALL simply said, 'WOW!'

When you deliver the goods to satisfied customers over and over again, you get a reputation for getting people exactly what they want. We have shipped this course to every continent with the exception of Antarctica, but you never know what the future holds.

This is Our Original Dim Mak Power Striking Poster


Do NOT buy any Dim Mak course unless it meets the following 3 criteria.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 3 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:

You can find Dim Mak books, videos and other instruction sources anywhere. Just go into a local bookstore and you will see a plethora of information. And very good information at that. What you won't get is the nitty gritty details on how to really train to pull these points in combat.

Make sure you find out if the instructor has actually used these points in a fight....Not a demo, not a seminar, but a real gut busting, balls to the wall fight with real adversaries....Our instructors and some of our students have...

Also, find out if you can establish a mentoring relationship, where you can stay in touch and develop your skills beyond the context of a course and notes.

You get at least 10 times your money's worth!

Like we said before, we have charged thousands of dollars over the years to individuals who wanted to become proficient with these methods....

Trust me, this course of instruction is worth several times what we are charging and we challenge you to compare it to others on the market....

So, we will teach you how to totally destroy you opponent in a fighting situation.....Techniques that many travel the world just to learn, but would good is just learning how to hurt someone.....

The greatest destroyers can also be the greatest healers, so we also include the healing portion of this masterful information.

Pressure Points for Healing

You will also learn how to use the pressure points for healing. It does you no good to learn how to just hurt someone, you need to know how to heal others as well.

Discover how you can use these very potent pressure points for healing different types of problems, such as...

Basic Directions
How to stop pain, swelling, bruising on bumps and strains
How to remove sinus headaches & congestion
How to remove a migraine headache
Pressure Points for Protection & Self-Defense
Shoulder Pain
Chest Muscle Pain
Neck Muscle Problems
Upper Backache
Lower Backache & Sciatic Pain
Menstrual Cramps, Pain in Groin
Cramps or Pain in the Arms
Elbow Pain (Tennis Elbow)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Stiff or Painful Fingers
Cramps/Pains in the Legs
Knee Pain
Stiff or Painful Arthritic Feet and Toes
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Relief of Pain from Hemorrhoids
Hard Contact Sports
Chinese & American Splits
Common Household Remedies

If this isn't enough, you will receive an additional bonus poster that shows some of the best striking points to use in a fighting situation and the potential results that can occur. This bonus chart shows you in detail the 25 Dim Mak points used to knockout an opponent with deadly force!

*******Bonus Chinese or American Splits *****

When you purchase this special program, you will also receive instruction on how to reach your maximum flexibility and achieve Chinese or American Splits.

Now you can throw away those expensive stretching machines that take up so much space or books that take you months to read. Why spend days or weeks reading a long book, when our instructions will get you results almost immediately!

This unusual stretching technique will permit much greater stretches than you may think, without equipment! These secret stretching methods are the same methods that Chinese & Japanese warriors use to get totally stretched without the aid of expensive devices.

Most will try and sell you a book or video on stretching. These are not necessary once you understand the simplicity of how these stretching techniques will work for you.
You will be glad you got this information. This secret technique is worth the entire cost of the this program!

This information is precisely what you have been looking for.

So what do you get for your hard earned money?

(3) beautiful posters that will show in detail all of the striking points. One is a 'Head Points' poster that shows in very close detail the Dim Mak Head Points, the other is a full body with all the points, front and back and sides of the leg (our original poster) and the third is a knockout points poster that showcases all the knockout points.....

You will also receive detailed written instruction manuals that cover the techniques, concepts and strategies...

Dim Mak Power Striking Manual

If you've ever wanted to know the secrets of the clandestine art of Death Point Striking or Dim Mak, you've got an opportunity to get what you've been seeking...

Our Dim Mak Course, which includes (3) three striking and healing chart posters, has been a best seller for years...The one thing missing was a nice concise high quality manual for you to have to learn this information even better...

This manual contains 3 seperate manuscripts at an incredible price and value...

Because we have always believed in delivering more than you expect, we've included 2 additonal manuals with the Dim Mak Information.

We included our Acupressure Points for Healing Instruction Guide.

Acupressure Points for Healing Guide

Now you can combine the concepts of Dim Mak with the latest self defense technologies with our 'Secrets of Fighting & Self Defense' manual, which is also include as one of the manuscripts included in this hard copy version of Dim Mak Power Striking...

Secrets of Self Defense

You get all three (3) manuals in one beautifully designed master manual as well as immediate downloads of the electronic versions...

This manual is also part of our Dim Mak Secrets System, which includes (3) striking & healing charts, 2 CDs, and this manual.

Our Famous Stretching Tips Instruction

You'll also receive our special instruction on stretching and how you can learn to perform extreme flexiblity, even Chinese Splits! People have raved about this simple yet effective training for years, and it yours as part of this amazing collection of unique methods.

In a couple of weeks, we are going to release our Dim Mak Training system in electronic format...Which means you'll be able to download all the striking points posters & charts and MP3 Files...You will have direct access to this as soon as we make this available...

Yours free for taking advantage of this special promotion...

Today could be your lucky day!

Bonus Audio Files & Posters for You To Download (Digital Download Only)

Dim Mak Power Striking Charts

These beautiful High quality charts were designed for you to download and print out. Some of them are quite large due to the quality of the charts.

Many of our students will send them out as digital files to a printer for the best replication. However, you will get nice results with a laser or ink jet printer.

Acuppressure Points Chart

Head Points Chart

36 Points Chart

Double & Triple Points Striking Chart

Dim Mak Power Audio Files

These files have been zipped for your convience. You can add them right onto your Ipod or other MP3 player. They can also be added to a CD disk for burning.

Act immediately and receive the following bonus

Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:

******* Additional Bonus ********

When you order this course by midnight tonight, you will be able to take advantage of another bonus that is being provided.

This is just a sampling of what is in this dynamic curriculum. I am so happy for you that I have packaged this course with an additional book on Self-Defense. for an incredible value and savings ,that will naturally allow you to be delighted with this. Here are just some of the important concepts you will learn with 'The Secrets of Fighting & Self-Defense' Book.

  • The four zones of attack and why every fighter needs to be proficient in each.
  • Blocking and striking keys
  • Centerline Concept
  • The one major secret that will allow you to win 95% of all fights you're in.
  • Line familiarization and why you need to know it.
  • Real self-defense methodologies, including muggings, car-jackings and other attacks.
  • Where most crimes happen and how you can prevent them from ever occurring.
  • Discover the importance of awareness and how you can have a warning mechanism for all potentially dangerous situations.
  • The (5) mental weaknesses and how to avoid them.
  • Basic Vital Targets, including the (3) you want burned into your brain at all times.
  • Why a knife can be more dangerous than a gun in certain situations.
  • Realistic ideas for defending against a gun wielding attacker.
  • The mental tactics that all warriors use.

And much more high powered information than you can shake a stick at!

Once you order this information, you will agree that the bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this mind boggling package of 'closed door' fighting information.

Purchase this today and get the totally bold and confident attitude that all masters of these secretive arts have.

By the way, this bonus is yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our ironclad money back guarantee:

You can't lose with our 100%, ironclad, money back guarantee

Your satisfaction is assure through our 90 day, you can't lose, 100% money back guarantee. We give you 90 days to review the product, try it out and even contact us for 3 mentoring sessions to get the product to work for you. If after 90 days, you feel the product has not met your needs, we will gladly refund all of your money....Click here for more details...

'That's Incredible, But Let's Get To How Much This Is Gonna’ Cost Me Sifu...'Is this going to be some mega-expensive program?

The answer, my friend, is a resounding NO!

Well frankly and I'm sure you'll agree, you're actually getting the most comprehensive training on the subject of Dim Mak Power Striking... All rolled up into one, and although I could very easily charge hundreds for it - I won't do that today.

While I was building this program... I had some time to think about it and I realized that if you are anything like I was when I was getting started , you want information and a great value for that information, right?

Here it comes… You Can Claim Everything for Only $47 plus shipping

This is the step that separates those who dream from those who achieve. This is the step everyone misses out on when they go to seminars, read books, listen to CDs and look to become a champion in any endeavor.....

You MUST take massive and urgent action when the solution is right in front of your face!

Listen, before you wait and don't get this today, I have to be honest here... the thing is that I'm not certain how many of these I really want to allow out to the general public.

By the time you decide it may already be too late!

Or there will be just too many people using this and I definitely want to maintain a certain level of exclusivity.

So Just Go Ahead and Do It!

The truth of the matter is that - You can do what everyone else is doing and get the same kind of mediocre results they're getting with their martial arts training, or you can take the step to discover these insider secrets.....
Here's how to order right now!

To order Dim Mak Power Striking just click the button below

I understand everything about the manuals as described above and I’m ready to reserve my copy TODAY. I also understand and agree to all other Terms and Conditions detailed on this page. By clicking the submit button below I acknowledge that I understand the terms of this agreement.

I understand everything about the manuals as described above and I’m ready to reserve my copy TODAY. I also understand and agree to all other Terms and Conditions detailed on this page. By clicking the submit button below I acknowledge that I understand the terms of this agreement.

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese點脈 / 點穴
Simplified Chinese点脉 / 点穴
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyindiǎnmài / diǎnxué
Yue: Cantonese
Jyutpingdim2 mak6 / dim2 jyut6
Japanese name
Revised Hepburnkyūshojutsu

The touch of death (or death-point striking) refers to any martial arts technique reputed to kill using seemingly less than lethal force targeted at specific areas of the body.

Dim Mak Band

The concept known as dim mak (simplified Chinese: 点脉; traditional Chinese: 點脈; pinyin: diǎnmài; Jyutping: dim2 mak6; lit. 'press artery'), alternatively diǎnxué (simplified Chinese: 点穴; traditional Chinese: 點穴) traces its history to traditional Chinese medicineacupuncture. Tales of its use are often found in the Wuxia genre of Chinese martial arts fiction. Dim mak is depicted as a secret body of knowledge with techniques that attack pressure points and meridians, said to incapacitate or sometimes cause immediate or even delayed death to an opponent. Little scientific or historical evidence exists for a martial arts 'touch of death', although it has been confirmed that trauma may cause disproportionately catastrophic consequences when applied to known pressure points under specific circumstances.[1]Commotio cordis, for example, is an often lethal disruption of heart rhythm that occurs as a result of a blow to the area directly over the heart (the precordial region), at a critical time during the cycle of a heart beat causing cardiac arrest.

The concept known as vibrating palm originates with the Chinese martial arts Neijing ('internal') energy techniques that deal with the qienergy and the type of force (jin) used. It is depicted as 'a technique that is part psychic and part vibratory, this energy is then focused into a wave'.[2]

Dim Mak Records Demo Submission

Claims of practicability[edit]

Numerous martial artists claim to practice the technique in reality, beginning in the 1960s, when the term was advertised alongside the English translation 'The Death Touch' by American eccentric Count Dante.[citation needed]

In 1985, an article in Black Belt magazine speculated that the death of Bruce Lee in 1973 might have been caused by 'a delayed reaction to a Dim-Mak strike he received several weeks prior to his collapse'. Other authors have also said Lee's death may have been due to a 'quivering palm technique'[3] (alongside an article about Choy Li Fut instructor Wong Doc-Fai) to the effect that 'dim mak does actually exist and is still taught to a few select kung fu practitioners.'[4] A 1986 book on qi identifies dim mak as 'one of the secret specialities' of wing chun.[5] However, this matter is not identified in the ving tsun kin kut and traditional practitioners of ving tsun (wing chun) take no stance in the matter.[citation needed]

During the late 1980s, Erle Montaigue (1949–2011[6]) published a number of books and instruction videos on dim mak with Paladin Press. Montaigue claims to be 'the first Westerner to be granted the degree of 'Master' in taijiquan', awarded by Master Wang Xin-Wu in 1985. According to Montaigue's own account, dim mak is an aspect of traditional old Yang style taji quan which he claims he began learning in 1978 from a master called Chiang Yiu-chun who died in the month of May. Montaigue stated this man was an illegal immigrant, making his existence difficult to verify. Erle subsequently learned the remaining 'qi-disruptive' forms of wudang shan from Liang Shih-kan in 1995.[7] Paladin Press has other titles on the topic of dim mak, including Kelly (2001) and Walker and Bauer (2002), both with a foreword by Montaigue.[citation needed]

Around 1990, Taika Seiyu Oyata founded the style of Ryū-te which involves 'pressure point fighting' (Kyūshojutsu). In the 1990s, karate instructor George Dillman developed a style that involves kyūshojutsu, a term that he identifies with dim mak. Dillman eventually went as far as claiming to have developed qi-based attacks that work without physical contact ('no-touch knockout' techniques), a claim that did not stand up to third-party investigation and was consequently denounced as fraudulent.[8]


In East Asian popular culture[edit]

A 'Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique' appears in both the Shaw Brothers films Clan of the White Lotus (1980) and Executioners of Shaolin (1977). It is used by the protagonist in the climax of Kill Bill: Volume 2.[9][10] The 'delayed action' of dim mak is depicted in Executioners of Shaolin (1977), where a '100-step Soul Catching' move allows the victim to take a certain number of steps before dying. A dim mak attack is used to paralyze a character in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000).

The mangaFist of the North Star centers around the fictional martial art school called Hokuto Shinken, whose practitioners are trained to kill or incapacitate opponents by striking the specific pressure points on an opponent's body. The protagonist of the story, Kenshiro, is the successor of this style and will often end a battle stating how much time the opponent has left to live after delivering a finishing move, or follow up with his famous catchphrase, 'You are already dead', before his opponent dies, usually from violently exploding.

In the Naruto series, and its sequel Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Dim Mak is a basis for the fictional Gentle Fist fighting style used by the Hyuga Clan.

In contemporary western pop culture[edit]

Dim mak has become a kind of camp pop culture item which is recognized also outside the genre of martial arts films. In Thomas Pynchon's novel Vineland, one of the protagonists uses the 'Quivering Palm Death Touch', which kills the opponent one year after it is used. In the TV series Quincy, M.E., a 1977 episode entitled 'Touch of Death' features a martial-arts movie star whose mysterious death is found to be a result of a dim mak attack against him ten days earlier.[citation needed] The lead character of the British TV series Gangsters (1978) is murdered by hired assassin 'The White Devil' using a similar attack, with death occurring four days after he is touched.[11]Dan Brown's novel Inferno depicts a character incapacitating a guard by putting pressure on his wrist, explaining the technique as 'Dim Mak'. In the comedy film The Men Who Stare at Goats, George Clooney's character claims to have been hit with the Touch of Death, a 'light tap' that causes death at an unknown point in the future, in one case 'about eighteen years later'.

In the Star Trek universe, the Vulcan nerve pinch is frequently used as a non-lethal method of applying pressure to a pressure point in order to render the target unconscious.

In Doctor Who, the Third Doctor describes himself as a master of Venusian aikido on various occasions, accounting for his unique form of hand-to-hand combat, which allows him to immobilize opponents in a manner similar to the Vulcan nerve pinch. Later incarnations of the Doctor have shown varying degrees of expertise in hand-to-hand combat, although only some spin-off material explicitly identifies the later Doctors' combat skills as originating from Venusian aikido.

In the Kung Fu Panda movie series, the Wuxi Finger Hold technique used by Po is a form of Dim Mak. Likewise, the villain Tai Lung and the mentor Oogway both use a nerve-strike attack to paralyze the opponent.

In the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, Ty Lee used a form of Dim Mak called Chi-Blocking to cripple or immobilize opponents. The fighting style is reintroduced in The Legend of Korra as the primary fighting style of the Equalists.

In The Simpsons episode 'When Flanders Failed', Bart Simpson claims to have learned the touch of death in his karate classes — having actually stolen the concept from an arcade game — and uses the threat of using it on Lisa to make her perform tasks.

In the Batman: The Animated Series episode 'Day of the Samurai', Kyodai Ken, Bruce Wayne's rival from his days training in Japan, forces Master Yoru to reveal his secret death touch. Wayne survives the technique by wearing a protective pad to absorb the force of the blow.

In the Robert Rankin stories Hugo Rune, and others, are credited as practitioners of 'Dimac', described as the deadliest martial art known to man, capable of disfiguring and dismembering the opponent with the slightest touch, or condemning the victim 'to forever walk sideways in the manner of a crab'. Rune himself claims to have been taught by Count Dante, and the character of Archroy later becomes a Dimac master himself, although he is initially prevented from taking revenge on Omalley as he was not provided with the book on defensive strategy.

Although not mentioned as dim mak, the ability to kill with a mere touch is attributed to Chiun, the mentor of Remo Williams, who is the protagonist in the long-running The Destroyer novel series. The style of martial art practiced by Chiun is called Sinanju, which incorporates the idea of acupuncture meridians.

In the 1985 film Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, Chiun uses this knowledge to render a female Army major helpless, bringing her to over-heightened levels of sexual arousal and pleasure by simply tapping her wrist.

In the 2012 Square Enix video game, Sleeping Dogs, Dim Mak is a counter-attacking move that can be learned from the protagonist's Sifu (master).

Dim mak is referenced in Bloodsport (1988), a film allegedly 'based on true events in the life of Frank Dux', the founder of the first Neo-ninja school of 'American Style Ninjutsu'. In the film, Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) proves that he has been trained by Master Tanaka by demonstrating a move described as a dim mak or 'death touch' attack to the judges as a means to gain entry into a full contact Kumite by striking a stack of five bricks with his hand and breaking only the bottom brick. Dux also uses the dim mak technique on Pumola during the Kumite before delivering a Johnny Cage-esque coup de grace, ending the match.

The monk class in Dungeons & Dragons has a high-level 'Quivering Palm' ability that can mark an opponent for death and be activated later to kill them with lethal vibrations.

Five Finger Death Punch, also abbreviated as 5FDP or FFDP, is an American heavy metal band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2005. The band's name comes from the subgenre of Kung fu film, martial arts films and Hong Kong action cinema set in the contemporary period and featuring realistic martial arts.

And as mentioned briefly in the preceding section for its appearances in East Asian popular culture, Dim Mak does in fact play a prominent role in 'Kill Bill: Volume 2,' a 2004 American martial arts film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. A martial arts teacher named Pai Mei kept his Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique secret from all of his students, except one. It is a death blow that once executed, kills any opponent after they have taken five steps. The move consists of a series of powerful jabs from the fingertips into five different pressure points on the victim's body. Once finished, the victim is then allowed to walk away. However, once they take five steps, their heart literally explodes inside their body, killing them instantly. The protagonist uses the technique at the climax of the film against the titular main antagonist. [12][13]

The Chinese name for the Touch of Death appears in the video game Fortnite: Save the World as a perk associated with Ninja-class heroes.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Adams, Cecil (May 21, 2004). 'The Straight Dope: Is the 'commando death touch' real?'. Retrieved 2009-07-14.
  2. ^Pickens, Ricky (1991), 'the Mysterious Vibration Palm', Inside Kung Fu
  3. ^Bruce, Thomas (1998). Bruce Lee: Fighting Spirit : A Biography (first ed.). Frog Ltd. ISBN978-1-883319-11-3.
  4. ^Jane Hallander, 'The Death Touch' in Black BeltISSN0277-3066, Vol. 23, No. 6 June 1985, pp. 43ff.
  5. ^ William Cheung, Mike Lee, How to Develop Chi Power, Black Belt Communications, 1986, p. 23. ISBN978-0-89750-110-1
  6. ^'Erle Montaigue'. Taijiworld.com. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  7. ^taijiworld.comArchived 2009-05-31 at the Wayback Machine 'Erle stated he travelled back to Australia upon the death of his father in 1978 and [...] supposedly met Chiang Yiu-chun who became Erle's main internal arts teacher from whom he learnt Tai Chi, Wudang Arts and Dim-Mak. In 1981, Erle travelled to Hong Kong where he met and trained with both Yang Sau-chung (the son of Yang Cheng-fu) and also Ho Ho-choy, a Bagua master.'
  8. ^Polidoro, M. Just like Jedi knightsSkeptical Inquirer, May/June 2008, p. 21; see also George Dillman explains Chi K.O. nullification. URL accessed on June 13, 2009.
  9. ^YouTube: Kill Bill - Five point palm exploding heart technique explained
  10. ^YouTube:Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) - The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique Scene
  11. ^Interview with series writer Philip Martin, who also played The White Devil (2003)
  12. ^YouTube: Kill Bill - Five point palm exploding heart technique explained
  13. ^YouTube:Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) - The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique Scene

Further reading[edit]

Dim Mak Records Contact

  • Beissner, Florian (2009). Mu and Shu points vs. HEAD's maximum points: The Phenomenon of Dian Xue from the Viewpoints of Chinese Medicine and Modern Neuroscience.

Dim Mak Demo Submission

External links[edit]

  • Veronese, Keith (June 8, 2012). 'Could the 'Touch of Death' work in real life?'. io9. Gizmodo.

Dim Mak Records Demo Submission

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